“Ma-ma, ma-ma, ma-ma!” mews mild-mannered Miriam, momentarily miffed. Molly, mixing molasses muffins, mollifies Miriam murmuring, “Milk?” Magical medicine. Morning music mesmerizes.
Jetlagged John, juggling joyless job, joins jostled jungle, jackknifed jeep jinxes journey. Jackass!
Rachel rouses rowdy rugrats, remembers recital, reshuffles rattled responsibilities. Ransacked reality.
Gracious Gari gives gameday grin, gets girls going, gasps gently, grips gravity, God!
Hotblooded Harry, humdrum? Hardly! His hypnotic humor, hilarious, half hyperbole, hurry, hurry Happy Hour… Hallelujah!
Nurturing Natasha, near nevermore. No natty noisemakers. No neato neighbors. Now, new nesters, nearly nameless.
Diehard Dawn disses delusional Democrats, debunks dangerous daydreams, dauntless, determined, debates debt. Demands deregulation. Damn!
Talya tells tangled tales, typing, thinking, tacking together tantalizing tips, teasing tastebuds, teary-eyed teasers. Thinly tolerated?
Musical Pairing:
Our House, Madness
Love thses! Great exercise for the group…
It was a fun exercise!
oops – TYPO ( These):)
Gave me a chuckle this morning. Thanks!
I hope my neighbors are chuckling:)
These were too much fun to read Tayla! LOL
thanks Kathy!
I know some of these people….makes me wonder what you would say about previous neighbors!!!!! Clever writing!
I know some of these people….makes me wonder what you would say about previous neighbors!!!!! Clever writing!
Guess we will never know:))