Daylight peeps into our windows, moving across the longleaf pine floors just as it has each morning for over a hundred years. Same windows. Same floors. Same walls.
Yet the angle of the sun feels different on Saturday.
Lucy snoozes in a bright spot near the window keeping one eye on a squirrel already gathering nuts for winter.
John reads the comic section of the newspaper. He is silent except for an occasional chuckle.
I write and enjoy my first cup of coffee, just as I did yesterday and the day before. But coffee tastes different on Saturday.
Musical Pairing:
Saturday Sun, Nick Drake
Saturday IS different! Enjoy yours!
You too Bryan!
I love your front door! Good morning!
Good morning Brittany and thank you!
I’m absolutely in love with what I’ve seen of your house, Talya. To think of the many Saturday mornings that various individuals have enjoyed in your home! Have a nice one!
Thank you Corinne! It’s a pretty special place:)
true dat:)
Yep weekends are pretty special. Enjoy yours.
Saturday different is a good different. 🙂
Thank you for linking up at Super Sunday Sync!
Once again on Saturday, I changed my writing/reading spot in the 81-year-old house o’ mine. Duh! I now have the lamp on my right–I’m left-handed–so when I write, the shadow (shudder) won’t get in the way. That’s after I swept up the borax sprinkled on the hardwood floor against any fleas in the area. xoxox
It’s a nice place to drink coffee Thursday and Friday too! One of those mornings, I wrote about the slant of the sun on the hardwood floor for my practice writing. Beautiful space, beautiful home!
Thanks Dorothy! I know you are happy to be drinking coffee at home this morning:)
I have noticed that everything is so much better on Saturday…I don’t drink coffee but I think it applies to just about anything.
I agree Kathy!
Everything is better on a Saturday especially when the morning rush is skipped. Thanks for linking with me Talya
Nice post. Something about writers and old houses.. must be a connection.