And just like that…..vacation is over.
If only I could bottle vacation anticipation… I’d place it on my bathroom shelf, pull it out when I need new air to breathe, rub a little vacation nectar on my temples like lavender essential oil to summon peace and relaxation that only comes from change of scenery. No television. No life interruptions.
Sea gulls sail overhead.
Hypnotic ocean views hold me spellbound.
Fresh salmon with strawberry salsa for dinner…
All the planning and thinking and build-up disappears into a wave of Texas heat and a busted suitcase held together by duct tape. Yet for a few days, life felt different.
While I’m still half-snoozing on west coast time, John is up and out the door headed back to work. I’m grateful to be home with the smelly laundry. I drink coffee and drag through my first post-vacation day while the puffy circles underneath my eyes sloooowly deflate.
Maybe I’ll edit a short story. And pay a few bills. Those bills always lurk in the imposing stack of after-vacation mail.
A neighbor, out for her morning walk, waves to me.
A cardinal swoops across the pool and lands on the fencepost.
Lucy and Annabelle follow on my heels, curl at my feet…
As life quickly returns to normal, I realize my normal is damn good.
A cardinal swoops across the pool and lands on the fencepost.
Lucy and Annabelle follow on my heels, curl at my feet…
As life quickly returns to normal, I realize my normal is damn good.
Musical Pairing:
Blind Melon – No Rain
Glad you had such a wonderful vacation, Talya. I enjoyed your photos and commentary.
Love your idea to bottle vacation anticipation and take it out to rub on your temples to get that relaxed feeling you get from getting away. Magical! Maybe you could do a story idea with that. I’m captivated by the idea.
Vacations are wonderful how they take us away from our normal lives and give us a different perspective. Mostly they’re great for reminding us that our regular lives are pretty damn good.
Thank you Cate! It was a wonderful vacation. Maybe I’ll take your suggestion and try my hand at a short story about a vial of anticipation:))
Your vacation sounded wonderful. Thanks for taking us along.
Thank you for following along!
Great insight into the power of anticipation! Loved the thought of bottling it. Also, I agree that the day-to-day routine can be wonderful! I loved all your pictures and sharing your trip. Bet the girls were happy to have you home. Hope John was refreshed too.
Thanks Dorothy. Yes, the girls were ecstatic to have us home, although they had great pet-sitters:)) John had a relaxing time too. Hopefully all that calm hasn’t been erased with day two back at work.
That was a great trip we took. Thanks for taking me along.
We went to the Florida beach in November last year. It was such a dream. Our family still misses that vacation feeling of sand beneath the toes and wind in the hair. 🙂
Ahhh…..but if we had vacation all the time, we wouldn’t appreciate it as much. Best in short, savored doses.
This is very true Chris! The rarity makes it all the more special.
Talya, did you get/find/give us the recipe for Strawberry Salsa? I’m craving it, now that you mentioned it!
The executive chef at the restaurant we stayed at in Anacortes served strawberry salsa w/ his salmon. He told us the sweetness of the strawberries brought out the flavor in the salmon. It was a great combination! I have his email address. Maybe I’ll ask for the recipe?