I’d forgotten what those things we saw on the way to Benton Saturday were called. Irrigation (I knew that’s what they did) pivot. Good to know. (Sent from my new computer.) Things are leveling out around here, thank goodness. I shortened my DH stay to a week from 11 days; from Ap 1 – Ap 8. Then I can deal with taxes.
Love your pics!
Thanks Mary:))
That’s a great sunset photo! I get the feeling we live close. I’m in Memphis.
A lovely photo! Glad you shared, Tayla!
I’d forgotten what those things we saw on the way to Benton Saturday were called. Irrigation (I knew that’s what they did) pivot. Good to know. (Sent from my new computer.) Things are leveling out around here, thank goodness. I shortened my DH stay to a week from 11 days; from Ap 1 – Ap 8. Then I can deal with taxes.
Oh, nice photo–as usual.
Very Cool photo! Thanks for posting it, and once again, you’re taking me back home.=)
Great photo! Thanks!