some days
words fail
to flow
ideas sit
clogged behind
my eyes
an unsolvable
beyond reach
what to write
about X?
what to write
about X?
seeking a
change of
I walk
the wind
stirs the trees
wispy clouds
drift overhead
thoughts wander
in and out
some days
words fail
to flow
yet when
I change
my perspective
the answer
heaven sent
X in the sky over Munger Place, Dallas |
“Ideas come from everything”
― Alfred Hitchcock
Musical Pairing:
Blowing in the Wind, Bob Dylan (Live, 1963)
You and I really do think alike, don’t we, Talya? X is a tricky one as everyone has noticed! Love your reflective poem and your photo is perfect. Good job!
Perfect song for the X blowin’ in the wind. And that was a lucky sky, if you actually did see that big X in the sky 🙂
I did! Took that photo walking the dogs in my neighborhood:))
Wonderful poetry and photo! Sometimes when I struggle with a problem, I’ll wake up in the morning and everything is clear.
Beautiful!! I love the photo too!!
A to Z-ing to the end
Peanut Butter and Whine
Amazing how that photograph came to you…Your song choice is brilliant too.
Coolness, X marks the spot!
X-ellente!!!=) And the photo was a Godsend, and it is true, the answer was blowing in the wind. All you had to do was look up for an answer, and you did, and there it was…blowing in the heavenly winds…It would have been even more cool if there was an ‘O’ beside the ‘X.’ Then it could have a hug and a kiss from Heaven.=) And I have to say, the poem was absolutely BRILLIANT! Xtremely Cool!!!=)