I grew up just across the river from Memphis, a magical city with Goldsmith’s for back-to-school shopping, Libertyland for roller coaster riding, Mid-South Fair for corn dog eating, and Graceland for possible Elvis-sightings.
We prayed not for Elvis’ health, but to see him stroll across the parklike grounds. Elvis’ room was easy to spot. He was always on the top floor and his windows were completely covered with aluminum foil.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Musical Pairing:
Paul Simon, Graceland
“Before Elvis there was nothing.”
― John Lennon
p.s. According to the newspaper, the aluminum foil was to keep out sunlight. We know it was to keep fans (us) from scaling the building and peeping inside…
Cool! My sister in law is a big Elvis fan and would love this story. His music is fabulous.
Thank you!
This is an awesome post! I’m so glad I visited today.
The home where Marilyn Monroe died is private and the people have now built a visual mote around their house. Several years ago you could pull up and look into the yard through the gate, but I imagine people in the thousands drive by each year. There was another car there when we were there both times!
I need to go to Memphis one day…..
Happy A to Z-ing!
Julie Jordan Scott
Our Literary Grannies from A to Z:E is for Ellen Emerson
tweet me – @juliejordanscot
You definitely need to make a road trip:)
Awesome post!! I have never been to Memphis, but my mom was a big Elvis fan and I grew up listening to his music being played at full blast!
Based on your blogs, I think you would love Graceland:))
I’m not a huge Elvis fan, but loved reading your post about him and those aluminum foil covered windows are a hoot!
yes the windows were hilarious.
This post is a bit vague. Now, this is about Elvis who?
Aw – I love that your love of Elvis was a family affair! :0)
Thanks for stopping by my D is for Downton Abbey post! You’ll be hooked when you start watching and very quickly purchase Seasons 2 and 3, I guarantee it.
I think my favourite part of this Elvis post is your admission of being a family of stalkers (in a harmless way, of course)! O, the things we do for a glimpse of the rich and famous 🙂
Cheers from Brandy at brandysbustlings.blogspot.ca
Can’t wait to get started!
Growing up in India, I heard and watched Elvis and saw just how popular he was here. I can imagine the madness when you lived so close.
Did I tell you I love your musical pairings? Paul Simon is a favorite!
Thanks Corinne! Yes, living so close, he was like family:)
Hi, Talya – love your name and your blog! What a great post. It’s the first time I’ve seen Elvis today.
Though I’m not a coffee drinker, I also loved your Alcott quote from C day. Great job with the A to Z!
And… 🙂 @Sarah Holmes & LOL @Mike Miller
E is for Evidence Found in A to Z
The Daille-y News
Thank you!
Great story Did you never get to actually see him then?
No! I remember exactly what I was doing when we heard he died. Our entire town was in mourning. Many had tickets to his upcoming Memphis concert…
Wow! The closest I can come to that was going to school with Buddy Ebsen’s daughter and living in the same small city as John Wayne. A very fun article. 😀
Fascinating story about growing up near Elvis land. Can’t get much closer to a great legend than that.
We own the land next to Johnny Cash’s home place. Another story…
I enjoyed this so much…I have nominated YOU for the Liebster Award! Remember, no tag backs. Go to my site (http://viewsofanoptimist.blogspot.com/) to review the eleven questions for you to answer.
Wow thank you! T.
I was wondering about the foil paper, but got an answer. I also think it was to keep eyes out. 🙂 Love the flowers at the top of your blog. So pretty.
Thank you:)
My husband grew up in Memphis. He used to always see Elvis playing basketball late at night at the Memphis Jewish Community Center. In fact, he saw him so much it became no big deal. My father-in-law taught Elvis how to tie a tie, and Uncle Bernard was the famous clothier of the king. When Elvis died, my husband was invited to ride in the limo but couldn’t get home from college.
Omg I KNEW you would have a good Elvis story since we are from the same neck of the woods! So cool!!
Cool story! My aunt was madly in love with Elvis. I was sure there was no greater fan than she. Her heart belonged to him. And when he died, she mourned. Oh, the tears…
Nice post, Talya!
I never saw Elvis–except those wanna bees!!
Cool story to share with us! And great memories to cherish!
Cheers, Jenn
Thanks for sharing a fun story. How exciting to live there. I wasn’t a huge Elvis fan but I did enjoy some of his songs.
My Mom took my siblings and I to see Graceland when we were kids. I remember it, but I was too young to really appreciate it. I’d love to go back now! And my husband is a HUGE fan. We should go!
You should definitely go back. The kitchen is open now!
Made me smile~as usual!
If you ask me, E is for Entelligence…with a capital “E”!!!…haha…that’s right! Seriously, though, I don’t think Elvis’ legend will die any time in the near future. He was one of a kind!