My handsome husband has great hair. His thick, dark hair is often the topic of conversation.
On more than one occasion, I’ve heard my sister-in-law say, “John got the good hair.” (She refers to the fact that at age fifty-five he has very little gray.)
One of our best friends, also named John, is convinced that my John uses Just For Men. When the Johns are together, their conversation always revolves back to his hair in an attempt to finagle some sort of accidental confession. Of course, since he doesn’t dye, these traps haven’t worked even after a bottle of red wine truth serum.
The last time my husband had a physical (a few years ago)—a fancy, all-day, spa-like ‘executive’ physical through his employer—the results were mailed home in an impressively bound book as large as a commercial office building appraisal report.
The introduction paragraph began with…
John Boerner, a 50-something-year-old male, was alert, cheerful, overweight, and with a full head of hair.
To which I replied, “You Are NOT Cheerful.”
But I’ll give him the full head of hair.
Musical Pairing:
John Boerner, a 50-something-year-old male, was alert, cheerful, overweight, and with a full head of hair.
Dear John, I am one of Tayla’s readers and to me you look next to her like to gems that sparkle. Her comment on cheerful. Makes me smile. Keep doing what you are doing. Obviously, a full head of hair and no grey at 50 is working. Great for you. In closing, wine the truth serum. Love your wife’s comedic writing. Fondly. The Carrier Pigeon
Thanks for your comment! There are many wonderful words to describe John, but cheerful is not one in my opinion:)) He’s usually too busy and stressed to be cheerful. As he explained to me though, he’s very cheerful when he gets to spend the day at the spa-like Baylor Health Center getting his ‘executive’ physical. Perhaps I should join him…
I got the BAD hair. Bad, BAD hair. Not only did it start falling out at about age 18, it turned gray and I had to just get rid of it. Good riddance, I say. 🙂
Have to love that introduction!
No gray hair, huh? Must be good genes and a good wife.=) You two make such an awesome couple, I doubt either of you have to wash that gray right out of y’all’s hair.=)
I however, am scared of flourescent lights since they make my gray look so widespread! Good one!