The bane of a creative brain!=) It reminds me of when we’d get flooded with work with little turn-around time. My wise boss would tell me that we could only do one job at a time. Though frustrating, I found it relieved a lot of stress to prioritize each job by it’s due date, or if I found two jobs with the same date, then I would work on the least appealing job, first. That left me looking forward to the easier job.=)
I love this. Sometimes my brain is so full of things I would like to accomplish that I hardly know where to begin.
yep, but keep those ideas to look at later, they could be really good ones!
You can and you will!
This is an interesting take on the topic.
The bane of a creative brain!=) It reminds me of when we’d get flooded with work with little turn-around time. My wise boss would tell me that we could only do one job at a time. Though frustrating, I found it relieved a lot of stress to prioritize each job by it’s due date, or if I found two jobs with the same date, then I would work on the least appealing job, first. That left me looking forward to the easier job.=)