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Brianna Powell & May “Babe” Brightwell |
For those of you keeping up, here’s another piece of the May Brightwell / Nancy Drew book puzzle. If you’ve been reading, you know what I mean…
If you are behind, here is a super quick recap…
– I bought a vintage Nancy Drew book in Arkansas.
– Inside the cover was the inscription “this book belongs to May Gertrude Brightwell” with her Maryland address.
– Based on other notations, I estimated she owned the book in 1959.
– I blogged about this.
– I blog about everything that happens to me.
– I wondered, “Should I try to contact her?”
– Before I had the chance, her family read the blog and contacted me.
– She still lives in Maryland.
– Now we are all one big happy Facebook family:))
The following is a video of May’s great-great niece, Brianna Powell. What a talent!!!
none needed…
Awesome Talya! Great way to start my day!!
She should be on Idol!
Good morning, Talya, and thanks for the update on the May Brightwell/Nancy Drew Mystery mystery! I also enjoyed the Cup Song, and I agree with you that Brianna should be on American Idol. She’s definitely got a beautiful voice. Also, I’m not a ‘musical cup aficionado,’ but I’d say talentwise, her cup is full. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Great Story about May Brightwell. Only a true detective could have tracked her down. Also, that is a very talented young lady who performed the cup song. Great, smoky voice.
“Smoky voice” Perfect description Kip!
As the proud Nana of Brianna, my heart is full reading these awesome comments. She’s a most talented young woman with a kind and sensitive soul who, along with her 3 other siblings, rock my world. Thank you all!
That was so neat! I had to watch it twice and I will be watching it again. WOW! That about sums it up. Thanks for sharing!
I love this story and I loved that young lady singing! She SHOULD be on IDOL! Nana is a most blessed Nana! They should do one of those ‘feel good’ stories about this on an evening news show!
– Talya’s cousin, Cindy –
Awww, thanks, Cindy! I count my blessings every day!!
All of you are so awesome! Thank you so much, it’s the best feeling in the world to know I’ve got support 🙂
Cool update on the mystery of the book’s original owner and an awesome video too!
That is so very cool. Yes, keep us posted.
I have been trying to find May for many years after she moved. Could you send her my email address?
Thank you for your help.