Happy 24th birthday to my Kelsey! I love you so much.
Today during my practice writing exercise, I jotted down specific things I remember about the morning Kelsey was born. Funny what comes to mind…
Driving to the hospital around 5 am – it was dark outside. The streets were empty, too early for rush hour. Brian stopped at the ATM to get cash. “Why do you need cash,” I asked, labor pains becoming strong. “I don’t know, I just do.” He was young, but he knew kids would be expensive…?
We had no idea if we were expecting a girl or boy.
Kelsey was born at 9:33 a.m. on a Tuesday morning in 1988. I was born at 9:33 on a Tuesday morning in 1962… Tuesday’s child is full of grace:)
Dallas had its first cold snap of the season while we were in the hospital. Warm when we checked in, freezing cold when we left. Typical.
Kelsey’s first outfit – a white cotton drawstring gown with Christmas presents on it. Our little Christmas present.
The hospital (Methodist Dallas) served us steak the night she was born.
My mother and mother-in-law stayed with us a few days to ‘help’. In our tiny apartment…The first night they stayed up late talking and talking and talking about a blue cheese pecan ball recipe they planned to make. Brian and I were exhausted, trying to sleep in the next room.
I didn’t even think my mother liked blue cheese, but she did cook back then.
Musical Pairing:
Happy birthday to Kelsey!
Happy Birthday to Kelsey!!!…and Thanks for sharing this story, Talya! And what a coincidence you both were born on the same day of the week and at the same time of day! That’s Awesome! It must mean something! I’ve sometimes wondered about Reincarnation, but there’s no way it could work in this situation. Anyhow, my deductive powers tell me that it must mean that Kelsey is an amazing, sweet, hilarious, and talented person, just like her Mother!=)…and no, daughter, I’m not biased at all!=)
Happy Birthday to Kelsey and congratulations to her Momma for raising a girl to be proud of! I kind of got chills reading this one!
Happy Birthday Kelsey. It doesnt seem like you should be 24 years old. Barbara and I shopped for our first Grandchild several times together. Mine will be 24 Jan. 3, so you see we had a lot in common. Can’t believe the two of you are grown.
Happy Birthday to Kelsey!
I remember that Thomas and I had to change rooms early that morning; there was no heat in our room. Thomas slept in his blue jeans and I slept in my clothes with a housecoat over them. We almost froze to death.
Kelsey was due on December 7th. I think. My b/b is Dec. 6th, so I was pulling for that date. Her dad’s b/d is Dec. 9th, so he was sure she would be born on his. Kelsey, being the independent person that she is, wanted her very own b/d.
We had reservations to fly to Arkansas for Christmas on the 20th, thinking we would have plenty of time if she was born on the 7th. She was only 7 days old when she had her first airplane ride. As soon as she was old enough, she would fly by herself to Arkansas every summer.
Later in the day of December 13, 1988,Brian took Thomas and me to Snuffer’s, thus introducing me to many new fat cells. Our tradition now is to always go to Snuffer’s for birthday celebrations.
Happy Birthday Kelsey—-Tuesday’s Child, from your Nana
I’m pretty sure my due date was November 30 which was our anniversary. And I was almost exactly 2 weeks late. You just don’t forget that.
Loved the blog. Barbara
Loved this! Sweet story! ๐ Cindy “Lu”
Echoing all the others: sweet, sweet story. My baby is 42-nearly-43 and I still remember the morning trek to the hospital–in new snow.
Another Stunner! oh, and Happy Birthday Kelsey!