A change of scenery is good for the soul. Stirs the brain cells. Left brain-right brain stuff. A different view of life, a new place to write. Varying sounds and smells.
Today I am writing from Nightbird Books in Fayetteville. LoveThisPlace. Almost as much as That Bookstore in Blytheville.
From my spot at the window…
I see the bustle of Dickson Street decorated with Razorback red light post flags welcoming Hog fans to the first game of the season…
I hear the chirp and chatter of tiny yellow birds in the aviary beside my table…
I smell books. Volumes and volumes of new books, unread, unmarked, perfect. Arranged like art. As exciting as Christian Louboutin pumps at Nordstroms to some women.
I taste fresh brewed coffee in my cup, black, strong, smooth.
I feel at home.
Musical Pairings
Knee Deep – Zac Brown Band featuring Jimmy Buffett
I have wanted you to see out of my eyes so many times. – Elizabeth Berg
and… I ignore the burning sensation in my shingles-riddled arm:)
Loved this read. I want to go to Nightbird Books. I too love the smell and feel of books. I like paper books, not plastic. Reading is not just about recognizing fonts on a sheet of paper; it is the feeling of holding a book, smelling a book. I miss That Book Store in Blytheville when I am in Texas and have to shop at those gigantic bookstores. Of course, they are fun too.
I was wondering about the shingles? Hope they are better soon. MOM
That sounds like a wonderful setting! I think I have read all of Elizabeth Berg’s books. I am looking forward to reading whatever it is you are writing. 🙂
Okay, okay, okay…I have to admit I’m not a Bookee unless it’s a Book on CD!!!=) I do like to ‘listen’ to a good book and C.S. Lewis, Ken Follett, and TTB are my favorite authors, and with that said….Will Patton is my favorite book reader!=)
My FAVORITE audio books are the Harry Potter series. Best reader ever.
For me here in the Atlanta area, it’s the Eagle Eye Book Shop. Used and new books, college atmosphere, comfy couches and chairs in the back…nice.
Sounds great. I think bookstores are the best place to write. Surrounded by all those words.