How small is too small? Could John and I possibly downsize from nearly 3,000 sf to 900 sf on a permanent basis? Without killing each other? There was a moment this week I thought he might suddenly pull a Katie Holmes and disappear the day before my 50th birthday. Poor Tom Cruise and me. Katie moved to Manhattan. I went for a walk and noticed an unmarked white van at the end of our block … Scientologists? Then I remembered we aren’t in that cult. All is well.
Being in Fayetteville is liberating, not being weighed down by stuff. Stuff we never use or see or need. But sometimes having that stuff tucked away in a closet is comforting. It’s there if we want it. Or need it. Once a year. Like the giant turkey roaster pan we use only on Thanksgiving.
900 sf, two adults, two miniature schnauzers and one teeny bathroom. This is a challenge for a Southerner. In NYC it’s no big deal, but I doubt those people even know about a properly brined turkey.
I bet Katie’s new uber exclusive NYC home is huge.
I bet Katie’s new uber exclusive NYC home is huge.
But I need this… |
Everything we bring into our Fayetteville house must be carefully considered, its merits debated as if we have decided to live in a Volkswagen. Could that square inch be utilized better another way?
In Dallas, we really only use a few rooms in our house unless we have visitors. But our closets are crammed packed with clothes we never wear and things we don’t need. Because they can be.
Why on earth do we have so many sets of sheets? For a possible toga party? or to build a fort in the living room?
I have three deviled egg platters. John hates deviled eggs.
I see an incredible estate sale in the future. Maybe. Someday.
Unless we kill each other first.
Unless we kill each other first.
Musical Pairings:
Our House, Crosby Stills Nash & Young
Musical Pairings:
Our House, Crosby Stills Nash & Young
Small rooms or dwellings discipline the mind, large ones weaken it. – Leonardo Da Vinci
Are we really leaving Dallas? |
Loved this. I “vote” for a fort! Tate and Zach would love it. I do need a deviled egg platter. Why? I never do eggs!
I too am trying to “get rid of stuff” here in Arkansas; trying to declutter. I gave away an organ this week. I told my construction man that he could have it. I said: “You can keep it, sell it, store it, take lessons and play it, but get it out of here.”
So far he hasn’t pick it up!
I look forward to that giant turkey pan every year. (Don’t let the Scientologist get you!!) MOM
I am glad you are decluttering now so I don’t have to do it “later”. T.
Love grows best in “Little Houses”, Doug Stone. I love that song and I love your little house.
When are you coming back to Fayetteville? I’ll be able to properly entertain!
I love deviled eggs so you can always give us a platter! Plus you can take one to Arkansas for us to have deviled eggs when we visit. With John not eating any it leaves more for ME!! As for the other platter it should stay in your Munger Place home for when Gale and I come over for wine!! See the problem with too many deviled platters is all solved! Now about those sheets…
I have lately become utterly fascinated by these “tiny homes.” Have you seen these? They’re like 150 square feet, but they have everything you could possibly need, as long as you’re not a hoarder.
After a week in Vegas living in a hotel room, I think I could do it. I didn’t horribly miss anything.
Of course, as it stands right now, I’d have to buy a whole separate tiny house just for my books…
I really think I could do it. And yes I’ve seen those really tiny homes. Something to be said for that. Like you my books are an issue. Maybe we should figure out how to build the house out of our books?