Hello friends! I think it’s time you meet Theo Gruene, the main protagonist of my next book, The Third Act of Theo Gruene. Theo has been occupying a huge portion of my time and mind during the past two years, so it’s only natural I would want you to know him too. AND, at the end of this post I’ve included a link to Chapter One!
You’ll be able to read Chapter One in its entirety, get a real taste for the characters, and decide whether or not it’s something you’ll like. Signed hardback and paperback versions are available to pre-order NOW by clicking HERE, and Kindle and hardback versions can be pre-ordered through Amazon too! (Paperbacks will be available on Amazon soon—there’s no rhyme or reason to the secret schedule of Amazon…)
The Third Act of Theo Gruene officially launches on May 20!
Alrighty, here we go…