Dear Sunday Letter friends,
Oh my goodness! I have been so excited to tell you what I discovered in my garden this week that I’m just going to swan dive right in. And yes, I will probably use an excessive quantity of exclamation marks to tell you.
ramblings from an arkansas farm girl
Dear Sunday Letter friends,
Oh my goodness! I have been so excited to tell you what I discovered in my garden this week that I’m just going to swan dive right in. And yes, I will probably use an excessive quantity of exclamation marks to tell you.
Dear Sunday Letter friends,
I hope this letter finds you happy and healthy and filled with joy. Today is Easter Sunday, resurrection day for those of us belonging to the Christian faith. While I have readers who do not celebrate Easter, I believe we can all set aside time on this day to celebrate goodness and peace and grace.
The world sure does need it.
Hello Sunday Letter friends,
Signs of spring are everywhere, and I am grateful for every blooming thing. But man alive, this weather is something else. Tornadoes ripped through Arkansas Friday, leaving a trail of destruction in Little Rock and flattening Wynne. My mother is safe at home on the farm, having dodged yet another weather bullet.
I hope you are safe too.