Hey, hey! Today I’m giving an appreciative shout out to the Ladies of Pinnacle Book Club. Talking with book clubs is a humongous honor for me— one that will never get old as long as I live. I’ve attended about 45 in person and a few more via FaceTime / Skype. Yes, I’m introducing Gracie Lee to the world one book club at a time. LOL that’s okay by me!
Millions of Americans are book club members. So, there are millions I have my eye on. Including Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine Book Club. (See what I did there?)
The book club format is my favorite way to discuss my story because those who attend are the most dedicated sort of readers. They’ve already read my book and are nearly exploding with questions.
These ladies were no exception. Personally, as a reader and member of various book clubs through the years, I enjoy seeing the inner workings of each one. Every book club is fascinatingly different in format, food, conversation, location.
For the Ladies of Pinnacle Book Club discussion, everyone wore a name tag and included where they lived when they were Gracie Lee’s age. That was fun not only for me but for everyone there. Charming idea, ladies!
Book Club Invitations
This particular book club invitation came about because a lady from a Little Rock book club called her college roommate, Carol Adams, and said, “You have to read The Accidental Salvation of Gracie Lee. It will take you back in time!” Carol recommended my book to her book club in Rogers.
If you think about it, all book club selections come from reader recommendations. This is something I never dreamed would happen with my book. The lesson here is if you love a book, recommend it! Especially if it’s a local author. Local authors need the exposure, I assure you.
All the ladies in this picture promised they would do Amazon reviews. Crossing my fingers that they will. I never realized until I became an author how important reviews are. (If you’re confused by the idea of writing a review, I have tips HERE.)
It’s a Small World
At every book club I attend, I am reminded of what a small world we live in. At this particular book club, I met a lady named Ellen Tate. Tate is my maiden name. Long story short, after chatting at book club, Ellen and I believe my grandfather and her husband’s grandfather were cousins. (His family lived in Luxora. Mine lived in Burdette. You could walk the distance…)
Thank you again for the wonderful afternoon! And, for the fun gift basket filled with local southern goodies.
I especially love the olive oil from Fresh Harvest in Rogers and the South Candle. I’m burning it now:))))
These ladies know me so well.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Love this! Love the musical pairing. It made me smile! Actually it made me laugh out loud.
Thanks! I thought the music was so fun!
That’s a Tallahassee t-shirt! Love it!
The t-shirt I’m wearing is Hey Y’all from Tennessee. (If that’s what you’re talking about.)