Dear Sunday Letter Friends,
This will be a short letter. Just so you know.
During the past week, I’ve been unplugged from social media while attending a writer retreat. It’s my sixth year to write at Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum in Piggott, Arkansas. I highly recommend everyone unplug from time to time. (And if you’re a writer, I highly recommend a writer retreat.) Being around other writers, living/breathing/talking about writing—immersion is an important part of staying fresh and inspired.
Beauty Shop
A good way to unplug is to spend time in a small town. Traffic is nonexistent. There’s never a wait to eat at one of the few restaurants in town.
Stars are visible.
Piggott must have more beauty shops per capita than any small town in Arkansas. I counted six or so near the square. There are a few barber shops, too. The beauty shop quotient is a sign of an ideal place to unplug and the mark of a great story setting.
6 Years Later
It has been exactly six years since my first visit to Hemingway-Pfeiffer.
Each time I visit, I am drawn to a particular stump on the grounds. I’m not good at counting tree rings, but I know the tree was old when it was cut down. I imagine it towered over the grounds when Hemingway wrote in the barn. This year, the stump has begun rotting in earnest. I’m reminded of how much life has changed in six years.
So, so much.
I am one proud aunt.
Yesterday, my niece and nephew graduated from Plano West High School. With over 1,300 graduates, the beginning Pomp & Circumstance procession took a full fifteen minutes. There’s nothing like a graduation ceremony to stir hope and excitement for the future. And that’s something this world needs in spades.
Do you remember your high school graduation? Mine doesn’t seem that long ago but I guess it was since Jimmy Carter was President.
School Kitchen Tip
(The School Kitchen Textbook, Mary J. Lincoln, 1915, Chapter XVII Table Manners)
Longer Sunday Letter next time,
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Super short Sunday Letter today. #SundayMorning [/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
You have had a very full week so I’m surprised you had time for even a short Sunday Letter. Congratulations to the twins and best wishes for their future. I like that, “rotting in earnest”. A little play on words if intended or not. 🙂 Have a good week!
Intended! I’m glad someone noticed LOL.
Talya, I want you to know that I look forward to all of your blogs and daily posts. I really enjoy them. I am looking forward to your next book.
Thank you Ken! I appreciate it.
Graduation was wonderful; I am one proud Nana. It has been fun having Talya and Kelsey in town. The girls and I went to see the movie about Mr. Rogers this afternoon. We need a Mr. Rogers today.
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood…
I would have loved walking around the HP grounds and the court square with you. The abundance of beauty shops is a reminder that we girls set great store in taming our locks!
Oh yes, I missed you at HP! There’s no reason to have bad hair in Piggott LOL.