Do you remember how you felt on September 11? I do. Afraid. Panicked. Sad. Worried for my children. I literally expected the sky to fall around me. BUT, the Dallas sniper attack on Thursday night represents a different shade of dark. It feels like the worst sort of bad.
To me, when Americans attack Americans on American soil, we’ve reached bottom.
And the attack was on our protectors.
During the events of September 11, we pulled together as a country. We were proud and united and One. Today, as terrorists continue to plot behind the scenes, we fight among ourselves. Watch us scatter and divide and crumble without outside help…
It’s horrifying. We’ve reached a new low.
Dallas was my home longer than any place else. It was my Emerald City, huge and relevant, the place I lived and got married and raised a family and made so many great friends—black, white, brown, rainbow-colored, why does it matter what color? I worked downtown. My children attended school downtown. My friends include Dallas police officers and spouses of police officers.
Because this happened in Dallas, it feels extremely personal to me, like it happened in my back yard to my family. But here’s the thing—it should feel personal to all of us because it happened in our country among our people.
This feels like the tipping point. We are in trouble.
We have to be better and do better and learn to think rationally and be willing to compromise and listen to one another and act with civility even when we disagree.
I don’t want black people to be shot at routine traffic stops. I don’t want police officers to be gunned down while keeping peace. I don’t know how to keep any of this from happening, but I will reflect and pray and continue to abhor racism and respect police officers.
How do we sooth the hurt and move forward?
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]When Americans attack each other on American soil, we’ve reached a new low #DallasPoliceShootings[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Marvin Gaye – What’s Going On
Well said and I agree wholeheartedly !!!!
Very sad day here in Dallas. I cried on the way home when I passed the police station and saw all of the signs and balloons and flowers showing support. Something has to change.
Thanks for telling it like it is. A sad, sad day for sure!
What Would Jesus Do? WWJD?
Very well said. Yes, I think we have reached a new low. So sad. Where do we go from this?
Very sad times!
Hopefully, this tragedy will spur a national dialogue of real conversation about the issues that brought this about. My fear, though, is that our current division and the 24-hour news cycle will keep that from happening. Incredibly sad.
You captured my emotions and worries perfectly. Indeed, we are in trouble. I’m right there with you on praying for understanding and forgiveness. Thank you.
As a country, we are in deep trouble, Talya. I’ve never seen the divisiveness and hatred for one another as I have seen in these past years. Praying for the leadership that will unite all Americans, no matter what their race, and make us the strong, indivisible country we once were.
Thank you for this most heartfelt reflection. Blessings!