Sometimes a girl needs authentic Mexican food. Especially girls from Texas. Girls like Lucy and Annabelle. They’re native Texans, you know. Taqueria Leo’s has mad street taco fare, just like the street tacos in East Dallas.
Oh yeah.
You know what makes it the real deal for me?
Fresh cilantro and wedges of lime. And the fact that it comes from a food truck doesn’t hurt.
Lucy and Annabelle didn’t really understand the whole waiting at the window thing, but they were patient considering all the wonderful aromas wafting from inside.
Lucy thought maybe the food was underneath the truck?
No, we’re in Fayetteville, but it smells and tastes like it! “Muy bueno, perro!”
Lucy and Annabelle begged to go to Arkie Dogs before we left, but we’re saving that for another time.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Lucy and Annabelle go to #TaqueriaLeos #Fayetteville #foodtruck @ExpFayetteville[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Texas Cookin’, George Strait
Oh my!
I think you need to write a book,with lots of pictures, about the many adventures of Annabelle & Lucy. Oh, you already have one started about Lucy and Sam, haven’t you? Always enjoy seeing my grand dogs.
Cute post! Love your girls.
They’re a mess!