I prefer Delta graffiti to typical gangster graffiti. Delta graffiti is clear and to the point. Easy to read.
Really, it can be considered true signage.
Words to the wise.
Country song lyrics.
Yes, it may be grammatically incorrect, but still, there are no confusing symbols.
Plain, simple, countrified.
Delta graffiti.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]I prefer #Delta graffiti over the other sort. #WordstoLiveBy [/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Johnny Cash, Folsom Prison Blues
Brinkley AR!
I snapped a couple of pix of the same building & a man walked from the door to my husband’s side of the car & asked what we were doing and if we were from the gov’t. Now whenever we pass the Brinkley exit on I-40, my husband mentions almost getting shot!!
Thanks for your blog. I enjoy it!
Haha! That must be a well known building.