Inside an old barn, a special world exists. A world encased beneath a sky of dusty rafters and a floor of hay. Slivers of sunlight stream through cracks illuminating buckets hanging from rusty nails, forgotten tools, lengths of scratchy rope. Beyond the barn walls a busy world rushes by, but inside, time passes unhurriedly with amazing grace.
In 2004, this wonderful old barn was added to the National Register of Historical Places for agricultural significance based on architecture and engineering. Last year it was damaged during straight line winds (tornado?). The Wildy barn (Mississippi County, Ar) may or may not be standing today—I’m not certain— but I’m glad to have taken this picture when I had the chance.
Such a slice of Americana.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
[tweetthis]Inside a barn, time passes unhurriedly with amazing grace. #VintageArkansas #oldbarn #historic[/tweetthis]
Musical Pairing:
Walking Plow – Joe Pancersewski
I miss our barn on the farm. Had lots of fun-filled days with cousins.
Totally my style! I love this!
Barns are special. That is real boot kickin’ music. We enjoy Farm Art Friday.
Yes I thought that song was a great way to start the day.
Awesome, Talya…your writing skills are amazing as I could easily imagine myself inside one of those old barns. It’s also great that you were wise enough to take those pictures of the Wildy barn…those old barns will built to last, but after a long period of time enduring Arkansas’ crazy weather even the best of them eventually hit the hay, so to speak. There are several old barns here in Tennessee that I’ve often taken a hankering to sit down and draw, and who knows, maybe I eventually will, but I like your idea of taking a picture because you never know how long these old barns will keep standing. Anyhow, keep up the outstanding work…You’re Awesome!!!
Thank you Tim! I’ve had lots of experience inside barns:) Write what you know, right?