Yes, I moved to Fayetteville from Dallas. No, I did not bring Ebola with me. Stop with the widespread panic.
A few days ago I read a post on Facebook that went something like this…Omg! I saw a car in front of me with Texas tags and wanted to scream ‘keep that Ebola in Texas’!
Of course this was Facebook, and since the rant was posted on a group site, I didn’t know the person. Although I couldn’t assess her level of seriousness—no tone of voice, no body language (one of the biggest problems with written rants/jokes/etc.), based on the many responses that followed, everyone seemed upset and concerned as though Ebola could be transported inside a Samsonite bag.
I’m not making light of Ebola. It is a horrifying disease, but thankfully it isn’t spread like the flu or common cold. Ebola can only be contracted from bodily fluids of a symptomatic Ebola victim. What constitutes a bodily fluid? Spit, blood, poop, urine, semen, breast milk, sweat, snot and tears. The risk of exposure is very very very slim. This is science.
Lack of education about the facts is scary too, and folks who spread panic do more harm than good.
Yesterday I attended a writer class. When I began coughing, the woman seated next to me whipped out a mask and wore it for the remainder of our two hour class. Of course I don’t know her situation. Maybe she has a low immune system or health problems? She never accused me of having Ebola or anything else, (and in her defense my cough did sound horrible), but when the instructor asked, “Are you okay?” the masked lady replied, “Yes, but I don’t know what’s wrong with HER!”(me).
I wanted to crawl underneath my desk.
I know I don’t have Ebola, but I decided I should go to the doctor and get something for my cough.
And I will be getting Arkansas car tags soon.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
Widespread Panic, Up All Night
Hurry up and take care of that cough. I don’t want “them” to run you out of town; you just got there.
Some people don’t want to understand anything,, don’t worry about it Talya…
Wow. People seem to be getting ruder, although that might be just that I’m noticing it more.
My question is a lot more direct. Why are people such idiots?