I wonder if a place has feelings.
Does she know we are leaving soon?
Someone new will walk her creaky floors,
sleep beneath her protective eaves.
Her wood moldings gleam.
Sunlight streams through her stained glass.
She is planted all around with flowers and shrubs,
years of devoted tending. Inside and out.
I hope she is excited.
A new family brings
renewed enthusiasm. Energy.
I wonder if a place has feelings.
Will she remember us when we are gone?
Grace Grits and Gardening
Farm. Food. Garden. Life.
“A place belongs forever to whoever claims it hardest, remembers it most obsessively, wrenches it from itself, shapes it, renders it, loves it so radically that he remakes it in his own image.”
― Joan Didion
Musical Pairing:
Taking You With Me, Daniel Tashian & Mindy Smith
Yes, to all of the above. Your new home is excited to greet you with your enthusiasm and energy. Happy trails.
Excited Colene! I expect to see a lot more of you:))
A great (creative) idea to speak to your house. Don’t suppose you could take the stained glass window(s) with you to Fayetteville? Will you be moved by late October? I’ll be at WCDH and can drive over/up and get Lonnie and Dot’s books. As well as see where you live and visit my nephew/wife/new baby. xoxo
Yes Pat, I hope to be settled in by late October. Would love to have you visit. You always have a place to stay with me. I would never consider taking the glass. It belongs to the house, not us. It was here long before we moved in and will be here after we are gone.
Talya, I do know that the house contains the spirit(s) of the owners, when my Mom passed away years ago, the morning she left the home I grew up in was not the same in feeling, I know my Mom took it with her. My heart knew.
Beautiful post. It reminds me of what my mother said when she had to come live with us after my daddy died because of her health. She was with us eight months, for which I am grateful. But she always felt guilty for leaving her “little house.” It was the only place she had lived besides the farm where she was born. She had been there over 50 years. The process of cleaning it out from attic to basement was pretty emotional, but I was glad when I heard that the people who bought it had two children. It was a happy place.
Thank you Dorothy. Leaving Worth Street will be hard.