a snippet from my book (coming soon)…
Other than snow days, the only wintertime excitement was our class Valentine’s Day party. In fifth grade, we nearly lost the privilege because we were so bad. At least that’s what Miss Friend threatened each morning before first recess. The thing is, we weren’t any worse than we were in fourth grade. Or third grade. Or any grade. We were always the same, just older and bigger.
The real issue was Miss Friend.
She had no control.
After lunch when Miss Friend was worn to a frazzle, she let us work on our Valentine boxes. This was pretty smart on her part. The girls could sit for hours and hours gluing pink and red pieces of construction paper to the shoeboxes brought from home. Sometimes Miss Friend even brought out the red and silver glitter—an extra special treat.
Even though the boys didn’t care one iota about their Valentine boxes, they were quiet too. They could sit for hours squirting blobs of Elmer’s glue on their fingertips, and then pulling it off like dried skin.
Grace Grits and Gardening
Musical Pairing:
Be My Valentine, Vince Guaraldi Trio
We also made Valentine’s boxes every year in elementary school. I’m a little sad that my daughter doesn’t have the same opportunity to embrace the holiday in school as we did. They still have a party but don’t necessarily exchange Valentine’s and certainly don’t make boxes to receive them.
I remember those days, fondly. Sadly, they don’t have much time for art (and there are no longer Valentine’s Day parties) at my children’s school. But maybe we can make our own boxes at home. 🙂
This brings back some great memories!!
I still have you and Staci’s valentines in a box in a closet in the Bat Cave.
I do! I loved this time of year as a little kid!
I do remember making valentine boxes and how we would line them up on the window ledge in the class room. What a shame if they don’t do this anymore! Thanks for the memories!
I love it! I can’t wait for the book!
Thank you Robin!
Oh, yes, this does bring back memories from childhood. Loved making those boxes, too!
Funny as usual! Another winner, can’t wait for the book!
I remember making Valentines boxes and home made Valentines, too. It was so long ago only the cool kids had the store bought cards. I had an unrequited crush on the boy in front of me, and he actually got red when he gave me his Valentine.
Sweet remembrance. I loved it, too! I made a box this year.
You should post a picture of your box!
That was always a fun time of year! And I always got mine home with sugar cookie crumbs in it from the ubiquitous heart shaped, iced Valentine’s cookies! ♥ Visiting from the Sweet Tea Social!
I noticed on FB that the kids are making elaborate boxes now. Looking forward to that book.