Halloween Shadow October 22, 2013 By Talya Tate Boerner wordless wednesday Halloween 2012Dairy Hollow, Eureka Springs, Ar talya Grace Grits and GardeningFarm. Food. Garden. Life.
Louis la Vache says October 23, 2013 at 2:40 am What a hoot! 🙂 «Louis» thanks you for linking at his Wordless Wednesday.
Dorothy Johnson says October 23, 2013 at 5:37 am Fabulous witch shadow! And the bats across the door are terrific. Did you send the magazine a picture after you did it? This is the kind of project that gets shown on there letters page.
Talya Tate Boerner says October 25, 2013 at 4:52 am No I didn’t send the magazine a picture. Didn’t think of it:)
Ah! Spooky! Love it :o)
Love shadow photography! Fun shot!
I’ve just started getting into it Mary:)
Oh I love it!!!
What a hoot! 🙂
«Louis» thanks you for linking at his Wordless Wednesday.
haha thanks!
Good one!!
Thanks Beth!
Fabulous witch shadow! And the bats across the door are terrific. Did you send the magazine a picture after you did it? This is the kind of project that gets shown on there letters page.
No I didn’t send the magazine a picture. Didn’t think of it:)
Thank you Bryan.
I love it!