I do not like The Nutcracker Ballet.
I realize in the spirit of all things merry and bright, I should love it and gladly fork over big bucks each December for orchestra seating at The Music Hall at Fair Park. Everyone loveslovesloves The Nutcracker. It’s a Christmas tradition dating back to the beginning of nuts.
I want to like it. I’ve tried to like it.
The music is beautiful, but I would much prefer to hear the Dallas Symphony Orchestra play Tchaikovsky than see it set to pale pink tutus. I get lost somewhere between the Mouse King and the Sugar-and-Spice-and-Everything-Nice-Plum Fairy, wishing for dialog and leaving with a migraine.
Possibly the only way I will enjoy it will be when my own granddaughter plays Clara. In the New York City Ballet. In Lincoln Plaza. But since I have no grandchildren (yet), there are no forced Nutcracker performances in my near future. Some of my friends are not so lucky…
Yes, I’m a Nutcracker scrooge. Am I alone?
No thanks, I’m busy that night
Utterly booked solid,
Totally swamped with
Cookie baking and Rudolph the
Red-nosed Reindeer watching and
Avoiding the mall at all
Costs. And I have
Karaoke that night so I must decline
Ever so
Regretfully yours, Talya
musical pairing:
Yup, you’re the Nutcracker Scrooge.
I know:(
LOL, I enjoy the music but I agree with you. Sitting through a performance of the ballet with no words would drive me batty. Maybe once, but never again. LOL I enjoy playing the music myself on the piano, beyond that I am with you.
Glad to know I am not alone!
Not alone!
I’d rather take a beating, myself. I’m also a little weary of the music, too.
I HATE the Nutcracker! Sat through the ballet performance at the Orpheum wondering if it would ever end. Desperately wanted to leave during the intermission but NO WAY (niece was in the performance).That year Claire was young and got the Disney Barbie video version for Christmas. I still know most of the dialogue (after dozens of viewings). Claire outgrew the video so it and the 24″ revolving Barbie ballerina that played that Tchaikovsky song continuously have been banished into the depths of the attic. They may return someday unless a big old Mississippi county Mouse King chews them to shreds. One can hope.
You are NOT alone! Can’tMakeMySelfLikeItEither!
Not alone. I can’t stand ballet, period. Now, give me Tchaikovsky’s MUSIC any day. It’s beautiful. But I don’t want to see people prancing around to it. Just lemme listen.
I was aghast when I read the title, glad it’s the ballet and not the decorations that I have in the windows by the tree! Awesome!
I appreciate your honesty and the bold stand you make with your first sentence. I can honestly say…you are not a ‘standaloner’ in your dispassion for the Nutcracker Ballet. I admit that I do like the music, but the ballet, itself, drives me ‘nuts.’