I do not like to shop for clothes. Books, plants, vintage china, yes. Clothes or shoes, no. But sometimes a girl needs a new pair of jeans. My favorite pair of jeansโthe jeans I can buy without trying onโare Long and Lean from The Gap. Not because I’m long or leanโin fact I’m becoming shorter and fatter every day. They just fit. Years ago, Oprah turned me on to them, devoting a show to these jeans that fit like a glove. The jeans every woman could wear…
Inside the mall, three people. All walkers, zero shoppers. (In contrast, the Barnes & Noble across the highway looked packedโmy kind of city.)
Retail Man: They’ve been discontinued.
Me: Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Retail Man: (silent)
Retail Man: I’m not sure but there is a new jean basically the same. (way too cheerful)
Me: I doubt it.
Retail Man: You’ll probably like it better – It’s a bit skinnier through the thigh. Like this is a good thing??? (I saw him automatically glance at my fat thighs…)
Me: Oh great.
p.s. I did NOT like the “new-basically-the-same-a-bit-skinnier-in-the-thigh-jean”… Not one bit.
Oh no!!!!! I wear them, too! (And we both know there’s nothing long or lean about me!) And I can’t even go to the store to stock up on whatever they still have lying around. Maybe Gap thought that since we wouldn’t be eating anymore Twinkies a slimmer thigh was in order… ๐
This is devastating! First GAP discontinued my Boot Cut jeans of which I have five pair and I wear them everyday with the worn and raveled bottoms and holes in places where I should not have holes. I have two not so worn Long and Leans in my dresser. They are the best. ๐ P.S. You are long and lean and don’t you doubt it for a minute!
Similar in pattern but not quite in the level of awfulness, I find that every time I find a nice bath gel I like, it’s discontinued just after I find it. It’s happened enough times that I’m thinking of hiring myself out as a corporate brand-killer (for competing markets, of course). And it’s not just bath gels, it’s other things, as well.
For instance, I bought a ReplayTV instead of a TiVo, because I researched them and they were just BETTER in every way. You’re probably right now saying “Replay what?” Because they died like BetaMax tapes. (“Beta who?”)
I am NOT to blame for Twinkies, though. I don’t even like them. Or didn’t.
haha no can’t say I ever heard of the Replay TV:)
Oh no! It’s just like the Sonic ham and cheese sandwich. I’d eaten them for years and all of a sudden, out of the clear blue, they remove it from their menu. I thought my consumption alone would have made the sandwich profitable. I hope half price drinks from 2-4pm weekdays isn’t on the endangered list!!!
Well one thing is for sure we can’t blame it on Hostess Products! No more Twinkies…..It’s all about mind games and the marketing swivel chair commando’s who say Hey they really like these! Let’s make a change we are incharge and BOOM! They have rocked our world. I say let’s rock their pocket book. I have a relative that says they are not the only game in town. What are we suppose to by a bundle of jeans in this economy? Gap get real!
next time at a Dillards, try some “Not your daughters jeans” the Gimp swears by them!
Oh my! If YOU’RE NOT long and lean – pray tell – (or not) WhatMustIBe??? Sorry about your jeans…I agree – they don’t ask their customers what to get rid of – they just do it. Like the McRib. Oh, and you’ll hear that it’s back right after it’s gone again. Sigh…NO FAIR!!! Cousin Cindy
Shopping for clothes is so depressing, at least it is for me. I feel your pain…every single style of pant I’ve ever loved and felt comfortable in has disappeared. I guess it means that we should really stock up quickly when we find something that works.
The decision makers must be all of 25 and thinking they’ll always be young and hip (and skinny-thighed). I’ve been searching for my favorite color lip pencil. I’ll find a substitute, but I LIKED IT. Wouldn’t it be great if you could find some of those jeans online and stock up?
They do still have some on-line. I will probably do that:)
go to
and sign the petition it may not do anything but it’s worth a try
Awesome! I signed it and will share it:))
I’m in the UK and they’ve been discontinued for ages. It is a travesty. Can you get Oprah onto it? Gap – bring them back!
That’s sad! I heard Oprah has a new fav:(( Expensive new fav… Thanks for reading!
The funny thing is I am SO not ‘long and lean’ but those jeans have been the only ones that fit me for many years now. I would figure ‘curvy” would fit, but totally doesn’t. I got the same “oh, we have a new line that is almost the same!” in that horrible smug I’m so fashionable voice. I can’t understand why GAP is being so cruel to us.
I am apparently now curvy. Tried a pair and they fit really well. hmmmm.
Also, I am not sure if this is true, but the smug fashionable pierced young man at Gap today said that Gap outlet is going to continue them. So, perhaps we are saved? Funny thing though, he says Gap Outlet is going to continue those and another line as well some “other weird kinds of jeans.” And gave me a totally disgusted sneer. I figure my life is much more fulfilled than his anyway. So I left feeling smug anyway.