Last night I thought about the words I threw together describing myself on the “About Me” section of my Grace Grits & Gardening blog, strung together simply off the top of my head with very little thought. Words to fill that blank spot on my intro blog page. Truthful but quickly written.
- I am a wife. John thinks its cool that I put this first. Maybe all that subliminal southern Baptist rearing stuck back in my head that teaches subservient wifely things? Nah. John describes me as a hard-headed woman, assuring me this is a compliment. I think he is trying to convince himself…
- I am a mom. These words, this short simple sentence, form the badge I wear most proudly. If I never do anything else, my life has been productive. I know I have contributed. This allows me to sleep at night.
- I am a farmer’s daughter. Huge influence. In this life I learned to wake before sunrise, do what I say, reap what I sow, and memorize the words to every classic country song, skills all southern girl should master.
- I love to dig in the dirt. Yes, I started making mud pies at an early age. I do my best thinking wearing my worn gardening gloves and would spend my last five bucks on a perennial rather than food or water, unless my Black Eyed-Susans were thirsty of course.
- I am a book junkie. Oh the places I’ve been within the pages of a book – through the doors of musty wardrobes, behind secret garden walls, into the dark forbidden forest and journeying across cold mountains. Real books that you can see and smell and touch and hold. Books you fall asleep with like a favorite feather pillow that leave imprints and lines on the side of your face and within your heart.
- I am a beginning yogi. Yoga has opened my eyes to the possibilities. If you practice you know.
- I am a beginning writer. This brings me here, to this moment in time, sitting in the very barn where Ernest Hemingway wrote portions of A Farewell to Arms. I am in awe.
- I try to do something creative every day. See all of the above.
I’m just a girl from Arkansas.
Oh the things you are going to learn! I know you are having a great time. Love this read. Talya’s Mom
Thanks Momma!
That is a great description of who you are! How proud your Momma must be and how proud your Daddy is too. I’m sure he knows!
Thank you Colene:)
Simple and yet, oh so eloquently succinct. That describes you to a T. A “T.T.” to be exact. lol. You’re deliciously REAL. Love reading all your creations – brings a smile to my face and warms an old heart. You’re a wise old soul for a young woman…umm, I mean for a middle-age country gal. :-). courtneysmum
Thanks CindyLu:)) you know we are practically the same age. If I’m only middle- aged you can’t be old!