I’m conservative and borderline boring. I’m a bit slow to follow trends. If forced to choose, I would dress like Hillary over Gaga, even though polyester clashes with my freckles. I’m seriously considering hiding my favorite Dallas Mavericks t-shirts in case that annoyingly adorable Stacy London shows up unannounced and forces me to toss all my earth tone clothes and converse sneakers into that big garbage can she drags around. (I bet she takes all those clothes home and secretly wears them while devouring Thin Mints and watching Biggest Loser.) I’ve only recently decided skinny jeans and those ankle boots with peep toes are acceptable for very skinny girls in their twenties and younger. And, I’m quite proud to announce that I tweeted for the first time yesterday. At least I think I did.
Lately it seems everyone has jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon like white on rice – everyone but me. And of course, my mother. Until I figure it out, she will not figure it out. I’m not even sure how to properly pronounce it… Several months ago, one of my friends asked me if I was on “P-Interest” (like P-Diddy), and I’ve heard others pronounce it “Pin-Trest”. Should I try something I can’t even say? Plus I hear it’s “addictive”, like that’s a positive attribute. If I become a crazy pinner, my Angry Birds ranking could be affected.
I was a bit curious about what I was missing, so I decided to check out this new obsession, possibly even successfully setting up an account. Last night when there was much snoring in my bed, I continued to research, unearthing pages and pages of pictures. Some were pretty cool. Some were odd to me. As I scrolled down I accidentally pinned 2 things. I know this only because my AirBook Mac notified me. Hmmmmm. I had no idea where or what I had pinned, but I was on my way.
This morning when I logged into Facebook I discovered that suddenly I was FOLLOWING 61 people on Pinterest! WHAT? How can this be? I was locked out of my house most of the morning and before that sleeping! But somehow I had been following people? And I had 5 “boards” I didn’t know about. Was I sleep-pinning and sleep-following? I swear, I have never taken Ambien. I felt guilty and dirty, like I might need to register on some weirdo database with the city of Dallas. Later, when I accidentally found Pinterest again, I noticed there were a few people following me! That must be incredibly boring for them. But now I was feeling the pressure to pin things!
I frantically starting pinning, liking, and re-pinning so my “followers” would have something to view. In my haste, I pinned a photo of lucious red velvet cheesecake on my “Favorite Place and Spaces” Board, but I think I even figured out how to move it to the Food Board. I’m making progress and possibly becoming more pinteresting all the time.
So here’s what I’ve discovered, and please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong: Pinterest is basically an electronic bulletin board that allows you to unknowingly stalk friends and strangers, allowing their “work” to be plagiarized and copied to your own e-board? Pinning sounds so much cuter, doesn’t it? It conjures images such as playing pin the tail on the donkey at your best friend’s birthday party in 2nd grade while wearing a flouncy pink party dress. Or, getting pinned in college by your frat boy sweetheart. I think I will like it.
Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies Re-Pinned by Talya |
Very funny. I don’t think I want to learn “one more thing”. My brain is running over with all this technology.I don’t want to pin anything; I just now learned how to put pictures on FB. theBAT
Love it Talya! Thanks for my morning laughs!!
I’m with BAT on this one!