In the here and now I feel tired and drained of words because I’m a homebody who hasn’t been home much lately. Home is my recharge place. I need home the same way I crave quiet. And there’s no place I’d rather be right now than where I am at this moment—sitting on my back porch listening to the birds with nothing much to do for the next few days. I’m not complaining, just explaining why I haven’t blogged lately.
It takes words to blog.
And time.
Balancing all the things can be tricky.
Why is that?
Once upon a time, I was better at juggling.
I know with a little down time, a little garden time, a little sleep-in-my-own-bed time, my words will be replenished. In the meantime, for the next ten days, I’ll be a full blown stay-at-home hermit. I’ll be reading. Pulling weeds. Thinking. Watching brainless television. Catching up on emails. Getting ready for my next events. Doing a little Florida dreaming.
Did I mention I’m going to Florida?
Beach, please. I am.
Here’s what’s on my agenda after my hermit week…Continue Reading