Good morning Sunday Letter readers! I’m home after ten days away. It always takes me some time to get back in the swing of things after traveling. Like Dorothy Gale said, there’s no place like home. I’m lucky to have two homes that I love—two homes that love me back. I spent much of my time at the farm working on my next book (yay!), and I connected with lots of readers at the Delta Arts Festival (yay again!). I returned re-inspired and re-invigorated about my writing.
A change of perspective is a powerful thing, especially after going nowhere for so long.
According to the calendar, spring isn’t over yet, but summer showed up early here in northwest Arkansas. Boy-hidey, she packed a truckload of humidity. If the past few days provide any indication of our summer ahead, we best prepare for high air conditioning and water bills! On Thursday, the plants in my containers looked so thirsty, I watered them twice in one day.
The happy part of summer has arrived too—lightning bugs and lots of butterflies.Continue Reading