Traveling with my mother is entertaining….
Recently we traveled to Washington DC – my mother, her fifteen pound mirror and me. Heavy and onerous, the mirror nearly flattens the wheels on her rolling luggage. The luggage she cannot lift.
Double-sided with circular lighting, you can view your face in natural light. As if that’s helpful. It shines a beam into the heavens as though pointing the way to a nightclub grand opening. I truly expected Batman to appear outside our hotel room window. Professional spa grade, it magnifies pores, hairs, blood, atoms. It could be used to isolate cells, possibly curing cancer. But we have no time for such things.
In between visiting the sites of our nation’s capitol, my mother was busy receiving push notifications on her phone all day and night from her new friends at, an online dating service with daily Bible verses and Christian dating tips…
Musical Pairings:
Sometimes it’s only madness that makes us what we are. – Batman