I’ve become a dingbat. This seems to coincide with turning 50. A coincidence? I don’t know. Dingbats can’t reason.
Although baffled about how the bypass still took me through downtown, I was extremely impressed that Mountain Home now has two Super Walmarts. Wow, Mountain Home is really growing!
My family hasn’t stopped laughing and talking about how I drove around and around the bypass, double counting the same Super Walmart. I attempted to explain myself, stuttering and stammering. I argued that a new Super Walmart had been built on the other end of town, near Gassville. Or maybe I really stopped in Flippin on the way in, instead of Mountain Home. You know all those little towns start to run together. (Ok I knew I wasn’t in Flippin….I was grasping…)
Me: When’s the last time you were in Gassville?
Checker: I live there.
Hey look kids, there’s Big Ben, and there’s Parliament… again. Clark Griswald – European Vacation
My 50 year old ponytails are much droopier… among other things |
Kaa says
I think you were in the Twilight Zone.
(Says the guy who is 3 years from his own 50th birthday.)
Kaa says
I think you were in the Twilight Zone.
(Says the guy who is a bit less than three years from his own 50th birthday.)
TateFarmGirl says
maybe so…
Colene says
Is Kaa senile or has he been eating parrot seed? LOL! Your fifty year old pigtails are adorable.
TateFarmGirl says
I think Kaa’s computer was in the Twilight Zone.
Colene says
Good one!
Anonymous says
Sometimes things happen and there is no explanation. A few years ago I had a conference in Kansas City. It was a very grueling conference and I was so ready to be home and was dreading the long drive. I stopped at a huge mall to get gifts for my kids (I did that back then whenever I had to travel away from them)to let them know I missed them while I was away. After completing my purchases I returned to the parking lot to find that my vehicle had been stolen…and gone was my beautiful mink coat my husband had gotten me. I couldn’t believe it…I sit down in the middle of the side walk and cried like a baby….hands fisted…face red…mouth wide open….snot running…as people passed by on both sides of me pretending I wasn’t there. I finally pulling myself together after about fifteen minutes and went back inside the mall. As I was trying to find help I went through another set of doors and low and behold…there was my vehicle…..right where I had left it. I hate Kansas City…. Timmie Lynn